Kelly Delaney
Registered Advanced Midwife Practitioner in Specialised Care Pathway, Maternity Unit, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Kelly began her midwifery training in 2009 at the University of Southampton. After she qualified in 2013, she worked in the UK for a short period before returning to Ireland. She commenced working in the Coombe Hospital in 2014.
She began working at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda in 2019. In 2022, Kelly began her cAMP role. Most recently she has completed her Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice (Midwifery); and an Ultrasound Scanning for Midwives module to ensure continuity of care for the women within her caseload and to reduce patient wait times.
Kelly is now a registered AMP in Specialised Care Pathway. Her caseload includes women with hypertensive disorders, she has developed a system for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Pregnancy which is proving to be extremely successful.